Posted by : ADMIN Friday, 1 June 2012

There is a Trick by which we can make Fake and Prank Call and make fool ofFriends or People which may have any Telecom Operator.

This Trick can make anyone's fool and can be used for Fun or Annoying purpose.

In this Trick,

>> We can change our Caller ID. This means when you call someone, he / she would see the number you selected on his / her Caller ID Display.

>> We can even change the Pitch of our Voice. Which can result in deep and creepy or high and funny Voice.

How this Trick Works ?

This Trick is basically performed by the Website
So to use this Trick you go visit there Website through this Link  and then follow the given below simple steps :

>> Firstly you have to select the Country from which you are Calling from.

>> Then choose the Caller ID you want to Display.

>> And then Enter the Number you want to Call.

>> Select the Pitch of the Voice you want.

>> After this, Press "Get Me A Code".

>> Then they will provide you with Number to Call and a Code.

>> Finally Call that Number Provided and then Enter the Code when asked and they willConnect your Call to your Friend with the Caller ID and Voice you have Selected.

Note : The Number they Provide is the International Number. So International Rates Apply.

So this the simple Trick to make Fake and Prank Call.

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