Posted by : ADMIN Monday, 28 May 2012
1. Clean your PC 
Like all applications, games benefit from a clean system. Before you even think about buying new hardware, do some spring cleaning.
Even Windows 7 benefits from a slash-and-burn reinstall every few months to get rid of the cobwebs, memory-resident apps that so easily accumulate over time. If games are running slower than they used to, it's a very good first step to take.

2.Update your drivers  
It's easy to forget, but the best video card in the world will struggle without the most up-to-date drivers.
If you have trouble with a game, updating the drivers should always be the first step – it'll expect you to have everything ready for it. This can be a pain, but a necessary one.

3.Boost your CPU 
If you don't have a decent video card, there's little that any CPU will do for you on its own. However, it still plays a key role in determining how fast your system performs. 
Dual-core is fine for the overwhelming majority of modern games, but quad-core is obviously better if you can afford it. You don't realistically need anything more than that at the moment, though.

4.Software solutions 
There's a diverse range of applications out there that claim to be able to speed up your PC, but most of them can safely be ignored. If you have the basics covered, your performance will be fine. If you don't, software tweaks won't make much difference.

5.Check for malware 
Malware could be getting in your way, without being as obvious as the viruses of old. You should be running antivirus software, but if nothing else, get something like Windows Security Essentials.

 6.Check your PC's ping 
When online, the easiest way to check your performance is to look at your 'ping'. The lower it is, the better. Under 100 is essential for fast action games. If it's higher than that, you need to play on better/closer servers, or check what else you have running.

7.Choose games carefully 
If you can't get games running smoothly, look for titles that are more friendly. Casual games have low system specs and can still look and play well. Check out PopCap's range

One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    This are really good tips to make a PC game run faster.

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