Posted by : ADMIN Friday, 8 June 2012

Animal and pet pictures have a certain playfulness and tranquility about them. Whether it be a playful exchange between a cat and a dog, a lion or tiger sleeping peacefully in a wildlife setting, the exquisite flight of an eagle, a galloping horse in a field, or even the beauty in nature of animals in combat they can make beautiful background settings.
I’ve tried several of these on my 7 day trial Facebook Timeline page and they look great. All of these covers are free to download usually only advertising the url indiscreetly somewhere on the page.
1. myfbcovers: I’ve referenced this site a lot because its good. In their pets and animals category you can download 112 animal and pet covers. They have cute puppies sleeping peacefully, cats in hats, hamsters on clothes line (one of my favorites), a cheetah on the run, and three dogs in a canoe. If you’d like to use these covers for your Timeline just upload them from the site, log in to your Facebook and click upload. Then just go add/change cover (hover mouse clicker over the picture to bring up the add/change drop down menu).

2. facebookcovers: there are 15 beautiful photographic animal and pet pictures you can use for your Timeline. The picture quality of these covers is quite stunning. Many of these are up close photographs that show the animal’s face in clear detail. Most are depict wildlife animals. Just add to profile and then right click and save to your computer. Log into Facebook on your Timeline and add/change cover then upload you new cover.

3. coverphotoz:has some incredible and hard to find animal and pet digitally enhanced covers.  This Facebook Timeline cover website has 41 unique animal picture photos ready to download some touched up with some stunning visual effects. There’s grizzly bear with brown and auburn hues digitally enhanced, shark in reddish water, an elephant with purple sky background and a tiger reflection color digital color splash.
4. fbookcover: select from 44 different animal and pet covers from the animals category. Some quality examples include adorable cats, tiger eyes, beautiful tropical fish, swans, and exotic birds. Overall this site has a nice collection of cat and horse pictures.
5. firstcovers: firstcovers is one of the best out there and they give justice to this category with 52 cleverly designed and unique Facebook Timeline animal and pet covers. Perhaps you are looking for cats and rabbits in humorous, cute poses, polar bears in action in their natural habitat, a turtle riding a skateboard or even cute dogs in hats then you need to check this site out.
6. coverpassion: download from a nice and unique selection of 31 animal and pet pictures. There are some one of kind animal photos to select from including horses galloping in the snow, sunset dolphins, dog with cool shades riding in car, baby pig and beautiful black cat face. Just right click and save to disk, that’s it.

7. facebooktimelinebanners: has 73 pictures in this category with a nice colorful butterfly covers, koalas, pandas, kittens and puppies. There are some cool animated, cartoonish wallpapers with donkeys, elephants, pandas, goldfish and moose. Just right click and save.

8. facebookprofilecovers: has a small selection of animal pictures but they’re good. Choose from 12 high quality animal and pet pictures including a colorful chameleon and a kitty sleeping on the piano.
9. Facecoverz: has an animal category filled with interesting pictures. There are 55 unique, funny and some unusual animal and pet cover pictures to choose from. Some of the highlights from this category include the Pug Bread, Cool and Serious Cat, Cat Owl Cat Cat, and some cartoonish dinosours.

10. there is a nice selection of 83 high quality free download animal and pet pictures. There are some hard to find ones scattered in this group that I haven’t seen pop up on other sites. These you’ll have to upload to your Facebook Timeline straight from their site. They get some free advertising but you get a cool cover.

2 Responses so far.

  1. picass says:

    Nice liste, I Will try:

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